
Embrapa Hortaliças provides books for free download

“50 Vegetables”, “Traditional Vegetables Production Manual”, “Aromatic and Spice Plants” and “Vegetables Production for Family Farming” are some of the titles that have been available for downloads since Friday (05/08) on the website www.embrapa.br/baixe-livros-gratis. Source: Embrapa.

Initiative that helps to ease the restrictions imposed by social isolation, EMBRAPA offers the most sought after titles.

This is yet another initiative by Embrapa Hortaliças (Brasília-DF) to help ease the restrictions imposed by social isolation, such as the ongoing course on “Gardens in Small Spaces” – making the most popular titles available in the catalog. vegetable publications is yet another one of these actions for this purpose.

“The idea is to continue with the proposal to help people who are interested in these topics to access, in a quick and practical way, the knowledge provided in these books”, points out analyst Henrique Carvalho, deputy head of Technology Transfer (TT) at Embrapa Vegetables, which he also recommends to potential interested parties not to waste time.

“The books will be available for download for a period of thirty days and, after that period, access will only be possible with the acquisition of these copies on the website www.embrapa.br/livraria”.

Carvalho adds that, in addition to the free books for a limited time, the website that allows the respective reproduction will also show all the titles produced by Embrapa Hortaliças whose contents were made available free of charge, among them “Hortas em Pequenos Espaços” and several books from the Plantar Collection.


In view of the need to limit trips to supermarkets, the question of the perishability of vegetables has assumed greater relevance in these current times. In view of this reality, the publication “50 Vegetables – How to Buy, Store and Consume”, produced by researcher Milza Lana, from the Post-Harvest area, represents a good source of information to answer questions about these foods.

In addition to the book, the topic is addressed on the website “Hortaliça Não É Só Salada”, available on the Embrapa Hortaliças website. Divided into sections, the steps related to these three aspects are described in each section – how to buy, how to store and how to consume.

The HOW TO BUY section teaches you how to identify good quality vegetables from their appearance, without having to break or squeeze to find out if the product is good for consumption. The item HOW TO STORE describes the best way to make better use of the refrigerator and freezer to preserve the quality of each vegetable and avoid waste.

In the HOW TO CONSUME section, which brings interesting recipes for all meals, recommendations are made to properly clean vegetables (especially those eaten raw), with information on how to prepare each one, in order to preserve characteristics such as flavor, color, texture and nutritional value.

Source: Embrapa Vegetables Source

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